Why Trump to people on the left — Part5 (BLM and ANTIFA)

3 min readOct 23, 2020


Find Part1 here: https://medium.com/@whytrump2020/why-trump-to-people-on-the-left-d1af54042cdc

Find Part2 here: https://medium.com/@whytrump2020/why-trump-to-people-on-the-left-part2-socialism-d478a38afc22?sk=1c65e6511abe527c195c606e1e574d9e

Find Part3 here: https://medium.com/@whytrump2020/why-trump-to-people-on-the-left-part3-the-demise-of-the-traditional-family-73036098f112

Find Part4 here: https://whytrump2020.medium.com/why-trump-to-people-on-the-left-part4-safety-country-and-personal-4a634b4d0cac

What is ANTIFA?

There is no official website. Wikipedia give you this definition:


Antifa [1] is an anti-fascist action and left-wing political movement in the United States[2][3][4][5] comprising an array of autonomous[6][7] groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform.[8][9][10][11] A highly decentralized movement, antifa political activists are anti-racists who engage in protest tactics, seeking to combat fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other far-right extremists.[12] This may involve digital activism,[13] harassment,[14] physical violence[14] and property damage[15] against those whom they identify as belonging to the far-right

What is BLM?


Sounds good but it is important to understand what ANTIFA and BLM are ACTUALLY::


o We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —

· https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript

· IGNITING RACISM AND DO NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK LIFE — They want you to think America is racist! If America was so racist and run by white supremacy, why are people fleeing here and have been fleeing her for hundreds of years? The ‘racist’ American people elected an African American president for two terms! There is no country in the world, not one, where black men and women have the success they have had hear in private business and in government. Many African Americans openly and vehemently denounce the BLM movement, but they are also silenced by the ‘mob’. Did our new ‘rewritten’ history forget the hundreds of thousands of soldiers (majority who were white men at the time) were killed during the Civil War, sacrificing their life, their families for idea of America where all men are created equal. Martin Luther King, a revered icon America for his movement, would have nothing to do with ANTIFA and BLM, as he was a deeply religious man. They say they are against police killing black men, unjustly; no one wants that. Should we also be looking about what BLM, as an organization, has done for the black community except destruction of their businesses? Do they help stop the killing of black men, women, and children in Chicago or Baltimore? Number one killer of African Americans in America — black on black crime in the inner cities especially in Democrat run cities that have done NOTHING for the African American community for a hundred years.

· MARXISTS — Freedom and Economy killing socialism is real target of these organizations.

o https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/civil-rights-leader-marxist-philosophy-of-black-lives-matter-org-will-harm-our-communities

· HISTORY DESTRUCTION — they want you to forget history of America, History of achievements, Land of liberty attracted millions of people with idea of America! There was another movement in history that wanted their nation to forget it’s history — NAZI GERMANY. We probably forgotten who the Nazis were — they were “National Socialists”. Their brown shirts operated exactly as ANTIFA today

o https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_book_burnings#:~:text=%20%20%20%20v%20t%20e%20Books,Category%20Portal%20%20%20Outline%20Category%20Portal%20


· ANTI-POLICE, RIOTS, DESTROYING PROPERTIES AND BUSINESSES, KILLING PEOPLE — Do you really want defund the police, to be afraid on street or in your own house. Is that what you envisioned for you and your family? This is what these organizations will do in case democrats win. Do you think Biden will calm them down? This will really embolden them. What you see now is little preview of things to come!

· ANTI-FAMILY — Yes they are for DESTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR FAMILY. BLM now removed it from their web site…but this is temporarily until they get to power.

o https://www.nationalreview.com/news/black-lives-matter-removes-language-about-disrupting-the-nuclear-family-from-website/

· ANTI-RELIGIOUS, ANTISEMITISM — You may or may not be a religious person. But you would agree religion is about moral values and about family values. This is exactly what they do not want. They want to destroy your moral compass. Jews you are blind if you support them

o https://jewishjournal.com/news/united-states/318382/black-lives-matter-demonstrators-dc-chant-israel-we-know-you-you-murder-children-too/

